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CEC Courses

Below is a list of all 64 CEC courses that have ever been offered through this website.

bullet  ARARs Academy
bullet  ARARs Academy Webinars
bullet  Advanced Design Application and Data Analysis for Field XRF Instrumentation in Soil Matrices
bullet  Advanced Presentation Skills Workshop
bullet  Basic Overview of Superfund Online
bullet  Best Management Practices for Site Assessment, Site Remediation, and Green Remediation Footprint Reduction
bullet  Best Practices for Efficient Soil Sampling Designs
bullet  Best Practices for Site Characterization Throughout the Remediation Process
bullet  CEC Presents...HQ Support Lines
bullet  CEC Presents...Superfund Essentials
bullet  CEC Presents...Superfund Overview for EPA Interns and New Staff
bullet  DES Oversight Support: Planning, Competing and Administering Task Orders Under the EPA Remedial Acquisition Framework (RAF) Contracts
bullet  ESO Oversight Support: Planning, Competing and Administering Task Orders Under the EPA Remedial Acquisition Framework (RAF) Contracts
bullet  Electroplating Processes and Cleanups
bullet  Enforcement Process Overview
bullet  Enforcement Process Overview - Live Online for States and Tribes
bullet  Federal Facilities Remediation Seminar
bullet  Federal Facility RPM
bullet  Fundamentals of Superfund
bullet  Getting to Remedy Selection More Quickly: Using a Conceptual Site Model to Understand Sediment Site Conditions, Characterize Contamination, and Reduce Uncertainties
bullet  Groundwater High-Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC)
bullet  Hazard Ranking System
bullet  IGEs for RPMs: From Scoping to Funding
bullet  Incremental Sampling
bullet  Introduction to Remedial Action Management when using EPA Contracts
bullet  Knowing and Using the National Contingency Plan (NCP)
bullet  Legal Issues for RPMs and OSCs
bullet  Long Term Response Action (LTRA): Planning, Competing and Administering Task Orders Under the EPA Remedial Acquisition Framework (RAF) Contracts
bullet  Managing Contracts: Focus on the Invoice
bullet  NARPM Presents...Resource Area Meet-n-Greets
bullet  NSAS Presents...Hazard Ranking System (HRS) Mini Course
bullet  Negotiations Training for OSCs
bullet  OH EPA Remedy Selection for Groundwater Restoration
bullet  OSC 201
bullet  OSC Counter Terrorism Training
bullet  OSC Warrant Officer Training
bullet  Oversight Support: Planning, Competing and Administering Task Orders Under the EPA Remedial Acquisition Framework (RAF) Contracts
bullet  PASI Webinar Series
bullet  Post Construction Completion
bullet  Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Training
bullet  Purchase Card Training
bullet  RAF 101: Introduction to the RAF Suites of Contracts and the Integrated Project Team
bullet  RAF 203: Remedial Action (RA) with Remediation Environmental Services (RES)
bullet  RPM 201
bullet  RPM 301
bullet  Remedial Acquisition Framework Training Course
bullet  Remedial Action (RA): Planning, Competing and Administering Task Orders Under the EPA Remedial Acquisition Framework (RAF) Contracts
bullet  Remedial Design (RD): Planning, Competing and Administering Task Orders Under the EPA Remedial Acquisition Framework (RAF) Contracts
bullet  Remedial Design-Remedial Action (RD-RA)
bullet  Remedial Design/ Remedial Action for Other Federal Agencies, States, Tribes and Consultants
bullet  Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS): Planning, Competing and Administering Task Orders Under the EPA Remedial Acquisition Framework (RAF) Contracts
bullet  Remedial Process
bullet  Remedial Process Training
bullet  Removal Process
bullet  Removal Process for RPMs
bullet  Risk and Crisis Communication
bullet  Streamlined Investigations and Cleanup Using the Triad Approach class formerly titled Field-Based Site Characterization Technologies Training Program
bullet  Superfund 101
bullet  Superfund Essentials
bullet  Superfund Relocation
bullet  Temporary Relocation
bullet  Triad Training for Managers
bullet  Triad Training for Practitioners
bullet  Waste Treatment, Transportation, and Disposal
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