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Using Contaminant Information in Evaluating Water Contamination Threats and Incidents

This training is designed for U.S. EPA On Scene Coordinators (OSCs) and Regional emergency responders, EPA Drinking Water Program Staff, EPA Criminal Investigation Division agents, State Primacy Drinking Water Agencies, and Water Utility Personnel. The course provides information on the types of contaminants that may be used to intentionally contaminate water, and simplifies the application of the threat management process in EPA's Response Protocol Toolbox: Planning for and Responding To Drinking Water Contamination Threats and Incidents ( For your convenience, we have provided two options for viewing the training. Their content is identical and they differ only in how the material is viewed.

Viewing the Training with Audio
  To view and listen to the training materials, you must have the Macromedia Flash plug-in installed for your browser. Most browsers will already have this plug-in. If you do not, or would like to upgrade to the most recent version, you can do so on Macromedia's website. Please note that you do not have to advance the slides in parts 1 through 9. This will be done for you automatically until you reach Part 10, when you should proceed at your own pace. Use the navigation links above the slide to move to the next section or to return to this page.

Please note that if you advance quickly through several slides, you may experience sluggishness which will resolve itself after a few slides.
Introduction (1 min)
Part One: Course Goals and Definitions (2 mins)
Part Two: Contaminants of Concern and Overview of Toxicology, (Primarily as related to Chemical Contaminants) (27 mins)
Part Three: Characteristics and Properties of Chemicals as they Relate to Water Systems Contamination (40 mins)
Part Four: Properties and Characteristics: Pathogens (21 mins)
Part Five: Properties and Characteristics: Radiochemical Agents (16 mins)
Part Six: Gathering and Managing Contaminant Information (17 mins)
Part Seven: Data Use for Consequence Analysis (17 mins)
Part Eight: Example Contamination Scenario (27 mins)
Part Nine: Action Items and Learning Tools (4 mins)
Part Ten: Appendix (Example Scenarios for other Contaminants) [This section contains no audio]
Download Presentation

To view the training materials with this option, you must have the ability to view Microsoft Powerpoint files. If you have Microsoft Office installed, you should be able to view the materials with this option. If you do not, you may download a viewer from Microsoft's website. The audio may be downloaded as well, and has been divided into sections to make matching the slides to the audio easier. If you prefer to download these materials rather than viewing them directly using your browser, right click on the link and choose "save target as..." or "save link as...." Due to the size of these files, you are encouraged to utilize the "View Online" option if possible.

Full Presention (6.2MB/208 pp/PPT)
  Audio for Intro (737K/1 min/WAV) Audio for Part One (1.3 MB/2 mins/PDF)
  Audio for Part Two (16.9 MB/27 mins/WAV) Audio for Part Three (25.2 MB/40 mins/PDF)
  Audio for Part Four (13.4 MB/21 mins/WAV) Audio for Part Five (10.1 MB/16 mins/PDF)
  Audio for Part Six (10.7 MB/17 mins/WAV) Audio for Part Seven (10.8 MB/17 mins/PDF)
  Audio for Part Eight (16.9 MB/27 mins/WAV) Audio for Part Nine (2.4 MB/4 mins/PDF)

Page layout last modified: 08/04/2023