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Brownfields 2013 Conference -- Sustainable Communities Start Here

The Brownfields 2013 Conference will be in held in Atlanta, GA on May 15-17 at the Georgia World Congress Center. Brownfields 2013 will feature more than 120 trainings and educational sessions and a multitude of other learning and networking opportunities, including an exhibit hall, poster presentations and eight mobile workshops. Due to ongoing budget concerns from all levels of government, participants are being asked to pay a nominal registration fee to share the cost of holding the conference. Scholarships to attend the conference are available to organizations and communities, with preference towards community group and Environmental Justice members from the Southeast region; applications are due by April 15, 2013.

Prior to the start of the conference, the EPA’s Brownfields Technology and Land Revitalization Technology Support Center (BTSC) will be providing three training sessions on Wednesday, May 15th. The sessions are focused toward Brownfields grant recipients and EPA, federal, tribal, state and private industry technical project managers and stakeholders involved in the development and implementation of hazardous waste site cleanups. These courses will be taught by subject matter experts from the EPA’s Technology Innovation and Field Services Division (TIFSD).

  • Best Management Practices for Site Assessment, Remediation, and Greener Cleanups, 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
    Participants will learn how best management practices can be used to significantly reduce data collection costs, expedite project schedules, enhance stakeholder communication, improve project and site decision quality, and lower the environmental footprint of cleanup efforts. Click here for more information and to register.

  • Brownfields Road Map Training, 1:00 - 2:15 PM
    The course is focused on Brownfields grant recipients and is designed to help non-technical stakeholders understand the common site types, contaminants and technology options for site investigation and cleanup and communicate effectively with technical professionals. Click here for more information and to register.

  • Leveraging Contracts for Innovative Site Characterization and Cleanup, 2:30 - 3:45 PM
    The goal of the training is to help participants identify opportunities to structure or respond to procurements that encourage application of innovative and cost-effective strategies and technologies, including project life cycle conceptual site models (CSM), real-time measurement technologies, high-resolution site characterization (HRSC), innovative remediation technologies and optimization of site characterization and cleanup. Click here for more information and to register.

For more information on these courses or TIFSD’s participation at Brownfields 2013, contact Carlos Pachon via e-mail at

Page layout last modified: 08/04/2023