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Searched Training Exchange for 'risk assessment'.
Results 81 - 90 of 602. Search took 0.16 seconds.

Internet Seminar Archive: PCBs in Schools, Session I: Overview and Exposure Assessment
 Leaving Trainex

PCBs in Schools, Session I: Overview and Exposure Assessment NIEHS Superfund Research Program Thi

Community Involvement University (CIU) Course Brochure

U.S . EPA Community Involvement University Community Involvement University - CIU Purpose : To support Superfund site cleanups by providing EPA Community Involvement Coordinators ( CIC ) and other EPA and EPA - affiliated staff with the necessary skills , techniques , and practices to engage the com (864K/60 pages/PDF)

Community Involvement University Brochure - 2018 Update

U.S . EPA Community Involvement University Community Involvement University - CIU Purpose : To support Superfund site cleanups by providing EPA Community Involvement Coordinators ( CICs ) and other EPA and EPA - affiliated staff with the necessary skills , techniques , and practices to engage the co (544K/58 pages/PDF)

Internet Seminar Archive: Bioavailability of Organic Compounds: Methods and Case Studies
 Leaving Trainex

Bioavailability of Organic Compounds: Methods and Case Studies National Institutes of Health, Nati

Management and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments

This workshop provides attendees with management and remediation solutions to contaminants in both marine and freshwater sediments including the effects of remediation on the benthic environment. All aspects of contaminated sediments will be reviewed, including determination of contaminant sources, site characterization, remedial technology selection, monitoring, and demonstration of the effective...

Internet Seminar Archive: U.S. EPA Superfund Remedial Program's Approach for Addressing Radioactive Contamination
 Leaving Trainex

U.S. EPA Superfund Remedial Program's Approach for Addressing Radioactive Contamination U.S. EPA O

Perchlorate Remediation Technologies

Perchlorate contamination exists in water and soil, and occurs widely throughout the United States. Public awareness and concern regarding perchlorate has increased in recent years. Perchlorate occurrence in drinking water and food supplies is a human health concern because it can interfere with iodide uptake by the thyroid gland and result in decreased thyroid hormone production. The ITRC Perchlo...

OSC Training Guidelines

DRAFT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING PLAN GUIDELINES FOR U.S . EPA ON - SCENE COORDINATORS September 2001 DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT Foreword The EPA Removal Program has operations which must be performed , or rapidly and efficiently resumed , in an emergency . While th (131K/25 pages/PDF)

U.S. EPA Region 4 UST Recommended Training

U . S . Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 RCRA Division Training Criteria Recommendations July 2007 Regional Training Priority Recommendation Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Underground Storage Tank ( UST ) Program . . . . . . . . . . . . (171K/10 pages/PDF)

Training Exchange - About the Trainex Website

select * from page_titles where path_on_server = '#path_info#' Training Exchange - About the Trainex Website Developmental Website Trainex Home #dateformat(now(),"MMMM d, YYYY")# Search Enter a search termvalue

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