Search Tips
Advanced Search Operators
  • AND
    • AND logic operator. Searches for records containing both of the words it separates.
  • " "
    • Phrase search operator. Searches for records containing the phrase enclosed in quotes.
  • OR
    • OR logic operator. Searches for records containing either of the words it separates.
  • NOT
    • NOT logic operator. Searches for records containing the query word preceding it without containing the word following it.
Advanced Search Wildcards
  • ?
    • Question. Specifies any single alphanumeric character.
  • *
    • Asterisk. Specifies zero or more alphanumeric characters. Avoid using the asterisk as the first character in a search string. Asterisk is ignored in a set, [] or an alternative pattern {}
  • []
    • Square brackets. Specifies one of any character in a set, as in "sl[iau]m" which locates "slim," "slam," and "slum." Square brackets indicate an implied OR.
  • {}
    • Curly braces. Specifies one of each pattern separated by a comma, as in "hoist{s, ing, ed}" which locates "hoists," "hoisting," and "hoisted." Curly braces indicate an implied AND.
  • ^
    • Caret. Specifies one of any character not in the set as in "sl[^ia]m" which locates "slum" but not "slim" or "slam."
  • -
    • Hyphen. Specifies a range of characters in a set as in "c[a-r]t" which locates every word beginning with "c," ending with "t," and containing any letter from "a" to "r."