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Phytoremediation of Organics
Internet-based seminar
Hosted by U.S EPA
The Superfund Basic Research Program (SBRP), Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI)

The Superfund Basic Research Program (SBRP), in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI) presents "Phytoremediation." This series of online seminars will focus on the science of incorporating phytoremediation into hazardous waste site remediation plans.

This, the second of three sessions, will feature Dr. Ari Ferro, Principal Environmental Scientist, URS Corporation and Drs. Stuart Strand and Sharon Doty, SBRP-University of Washington. ...  [click for more]

For general information contact Justin Crane by telephone at 919-794-4702
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