Advanced Presentation Skills Workshop
Hosted by U.S. EPA
Office of Site Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI)
Attention all CEC, OSC Readiness, and NARPM Training instructors! This two-day train-the-trainer workshop was designed specifically for experienced EPA technical and program staff who are involved in offering training for their peers. These programs are consistently rated as the best relevant, job-related training available by participants. To ensure this training is the best possible for EPA employees, OSRTI will offer five workshops designed to teach you how to present technical training with impact. The course will focus on the essentials of adult learning, presentation skills, effective participation, listening and questioning techniques and appropriate audiovisual support. Workshops are being offered in Dallas; Philadelphia; and Kansas City.
Teaching a technical course to your coworkers involves much more than standing in front of the room telling people everything you know. Effective trainers know that adult learners have sophisticated expectations and a keen desire to participate in their own learning experience.
This train-the-trainer workshop will engage you in hands-on techniques that will help participants retain and apply what they learn.
The workshop is designed for employees who conduct technical training, in a classroom environment, for their organization. In the workshop, you will have the opportunity to work on a current presentation you need to complete, and to receive expert advice and tips. Each participant should come prepared to deliver two practice presentations, 5 minutes on the first day and 15 minutes on the second day. Participants will have the opportunity to practice newly developed platform skills, and receive detailed, personal feedback and coaching.
Participants will learn to...
- Understand how to appeal to different adult learning styles.
- Develop learning objectives and lesson plans that are practical, interactive and transfer learning to the job.
- Apply interactive techniques that will engage learners and maximize retention.
- Enhance audio-visual, handouts, flip charts and other media.
- Manage group dynamics and handle problem situations.
- Deliver more effective presentations by applying delivery techniques that will take your presentation style to a new level.
What's In it for You?
- More polished platform skills
- Improved ability to manage content
- Greater skill using a variety of training methods
- Enhanced ability to create and use visual aids
- Ability to manage participants
Day 1: Competencies of Effective Trainers, Discussion of different adult learning styles, Guidelines on preparing participant materials, Basics on platform skills, Short Practice
Day 2: Exercises and Skills Practice, Feedback Important Notice: Due to the content presented during a CEC course and the restrictions in place for non-citizens to enter federal buildings, international attendees are not permitted to attend CEC courses.
For general information contact Jerri Town (EMS, Inc.)
by telephone at 301-589-5318 , Ext. 25
(Fax: 301-589-8487)
via e-mail at jerri.town@emsus.com
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Previous Events (click to view/hide)

Lenexa, KS |

June 28, 2006 - June 29, 2006 |

Philadelphia, PA |

June 13, 2006 - June 14, 2006 |

Dallas, TX |

June 6, 2006 - June 7, 2006 |

Chicago, IL |

May 16, 2006 - May 17, 2006 |

Seattle, WA |

April 19, 2006 - April 20, 2006 |