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Advanced Triad Workshop
Hosted by U.S. EPA
Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation

EPA's Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI) will hold a 2-day Advanced Triad Workshop on March 14-15, 2005, at the Hilton Crystal City National Airport, in Arlington, VA.

The goal of the Triad approach is to manage decision uncertainty to increase confidence that project decisions (about contaminant presence, location, fate, exposure, and risk reduction choices and design) are cost-effective and made with accurate knowledge of contamination nature and extent and receptor exposure. The Triad approach represents an evolution and progression of technical thinking about contaminated sites. Triad serves as a platform to integrate the experiences, lessons learned, and advances in science and technical tools and know-how gained over the past 25+ years of hazardous site investigation, cleanup, and reuse. Triad supports second-generation practices that, although somewhat different from current practices, truly support all three benchmarks of "better, faster, and cheaper" projects. The mechanisms used by the Triad approach are its three primary elements: systematic project planning, dynamic work strategies, and real-time measurement technologies.

The Advanced Triad Workshop is designed to be highly interactive and to meet the needs of governmental and regulatory project managers and their support staff who:

  • already have a have good understanding of Triad principles and the differences between Triad projects and traditional projects;
  • are actively engaged in doing Triad projects or adjusting their programs to be more Triad-friendly; and
  • are willing to share ideas, experiences, and lessons learned about how to make Triad projects successful.

Participants should have prior Triad experience through project participation and/or sufficient formal training to be conversant with Triad concepts. This will NOT be a basic Triad training!

The Advanced Triad Workshop will consist of implementation-focused sessions on topics including:

  • developing and maturing conceptual site models;
  • building social capital as a key aspect of systematic planning;
  • focusing quality control to address specific sampling and analytical uncertainties in the context of project decisions; and
  • handling real-life legal, regulatory, community relations, economic, and other issues.

For more information contact Linda Fiedler, EPA/OSRTI, at 703-603-7194 or, via e-mail, at  or Deana Crumbling, EPA/OSRTI, at 703-603-0643 or, via e-mail, at

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