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Event Details

General Information
Event Name: Fundamentals of Superfund
Hosted By: U.S. EPA
Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation
Event Description:

The Fundamentals of Superfund training course provides an overview of the purpose, legal framework, and implementation of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the National Oil and Hazardous Substances and Pollution Control Act (NCP). By taking the course, participants will achieve the following objectives:

  • Understand the evolution of the Superfund program. The course explores the origin, accomplishments, and future of the Superfund program.
  • Understand the ...  [more]
Additional Information:

This class was originally listed separately under the following course title: Accelerated Fundamentals of Superfund for Senior OSCs (Internet-based seminar)
Below is listed the original course description:

CERCLA Inspectors pursuant to EPA Order 3500.1 have basic training requirements including Fundamentals of Superfund, Enforcement Process Overview, Removal Process, and a negotiations training course. OSC Credentials are currently being renewed and some senior OSCs do not have adequate documentation that they have met the basic training requirements. To facilitate senior EPA OSCs (those with 10 years of experience working as an EPA OSC) obtaining the required training, the CERCLA Education Center is presenting the 3-day classroom version of the Fundamentals of Superfund as a series of Internet seminars. Each module has been converted to a one- to two-hour Internet seminar for the senior OSCs to attend.

ONLY SENIOR EPA OSCs WITH 10 YEARS OR MORE EXPERIENCE AS AN EPA OSC ARE ELIGIBLE TO ATTEND THE INTERNET SEMINARS. If you do not meet the requirements, your registration will be cancelled.

Please note that by registering for this event, you will be registered for each of the six sessions in this series on April 19, 21, 23, and May 10, 11, 12.

Module 1 — Overview of CERCLA will discuss the origin of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and provide an overview of the key provisions and implementation of the law. The topics discussed in this module include (1) an explanation of the origin of CERCLA and the Superfund program; (2) an overview of the key provisions of CERCLA that establish the legal authority for the program; (3) an introduction to the cleanup process performed under CERCLA; (4) major offices and partners at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that manage and implement CERCLA; (5) a discussion of Superfund-related programs implemented by EPA; and (6) a discussion of the future of Superfund and accomplishments under the program.

Module 2 — Statutory and Regulatory Framework will describe the statutory and regulatory framework for response actions. Topics will include (1) a discussion of the statutory and regulatory provisions that authorize and govern response actions, specifically, those of CERCLA, CWA/OPA, and NCP; (2) definitions of an OSC and RPM and determining who is lead agency for the response and implementation of CERCLA authorities; (3) a discussion of the roles and responsibilities of states, tribal governments, responsible parties, private parties, and the public in CERCLA responses; (4) how response actions are financed; and (5) how CERCLA relates to other environmental laws and why the requirements of other laws may be applicable or relevant and appropriate to cleanups performed under CERCLA.

Module 3 — Discovery, Notification, and Initial Site Assessment will discuss how releases are discovered and assessed. Topics will include (1) reporting requirements and reportable quantities; (2) other methods of discovering releases; (3) the reporting process and the National Response Center; (4) site assessments; (5) the Hazard Ranking System and National Priorities List; and (6) data management.

Module 4 — Removal Process, will explain the implementation of removal authorities and identify the responsibilities of an OSC. Topics will include (1) a definition of removal action under CERCLA; (2) an explanation of the types of removal actions under CERCLA; (3) a description of the elements of a removal action under CERCLA; (4) a summary of removal action funding under CERCLA; (5) a summary of records management requirements for removal actions under CERCLA; and (6) a discussion of oil removals under CWA/OPA.

Module 5 — Remedial Process, will define the remedial action and explain the major steps and activities in conducting remedial actions. Topics will include (1) the phases of the remedial process; (2) general requirements for remedial actions; (3) the roles and responsibilities of the RPM; (4) general activities and requirements for each phase of the remedial process; and (5) the management of documents and other records.

Module 6 — Enforcement Process will introduce participants to the enforcement authorities and process under CERCLA. Topics will include (1) the basic principles and goals of the Superfund enforcement program; (2) definitions of liability under CERCLA and classes of PRPs; (3) statutory enforcement authorities; (4) overview of the CERCLA enforcement process; (5) process for identifying, notifying, and negotiating with PRPs to perform cleanups; (6) types of settlements and settlement tools authorized by CERCLA to enable PRPs to perform cleanups; (7) oversight of PRP-lead cleanups; and (8) authorities and procedures used to recover response costs from PRPs.

Module 7 — Community Involvement will present the legal and policy requirements for implementing community involvement activities at Superfund cleanup sites as well as provide recommendations on how to involve the members of the affected community in the decision-making process. Topics will include (1) the role of community involvement in Superfund; (2) planning early for meaningful community involvement; (3) community involvement in removal actions; (4) community involvement in remedial actions; and (5) providing communities with technical assistance.

Module 8 — Federal Facilities will examine the application of CERCLA authorities at Federal facilities. The objective of this module is to examine how CERCLA authorities are used to clean up releases of hazardous substances at facilities owned or operated by the Federal government.

Registration Status: Completed
Event Begins: April 19, 2010 at 1:00 PM
Event Ends: May 12, 2010 at 3:00 PM
This event will be held at: Internet Based
Live Online Class, Internet Based


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