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ATSDR Courses

Below is a list of all 24 ATSDR courses that have ever been offered through this website.

bullet  Accessing Online Information on Exposure and Health Effects
bullet  Basic Course for Health Assessment and Consultation
bullet  Chemical Agents of Opportunity for Terrorism  Toxic Industrial Chemicals and Toxic Industrial Materials
bullet  Chemical Agents of Opportunity for Terrorism: The Medical and Psychological Consequences of TICs (Toxic Industrial Chemicals) and TIMs (Toxic Industrial Materials)  Bi-lingual Presentation (English & Spanish/EspaƱol)
bullet  Environmental Public Health Consequences of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratories
bullet  Introduction to TOPHAT (Toxicological Profile and Health Assessment Toolkit)
bullet  Neurotoxicology for the Disinterested Scientist
bullet  Psychological Effects and Community Stress: Community Stress Training for Environmental Health Professionals - Section I - Overview  Net Web Conference Training
bullet  Psychological Effects and Community Stress: Community Stress Training for Environmental Health Professionals - Section II - Chemical Disasters  Net Web Conference Training
bullet  Psychological Effects and Community Stress: Community Stress Training for Environmental Health Professionals - Section III - Response Strategies to Acute Exposures  Net Web Conference Training
bullet  Psychological Effects and Community Stress: Community Stress Training for Environmental Health Professionals - Section IV - Response Strategies to Chronic Exposures  Net Web Conference Training
bullet  Psychological Effects and Community Stress: Community Stress Training for Environmental Health Professionals - Section V - Coping Skills for Health Assessors  Net Web Conference Training
bullet  Public Health Assessment Overview 1 - Mission and Community
bullet  Public Health Assessment Overview 2 - Exposure Pathways and Toxicologic Evaluation
bullet  Public Health Assessment Overview 3 - Evaluating Health Effects Data and Determining Conclusions and Recommendations
bullet  Radiation and Health Part 1: Atomic Structure and Isotopes  Net Web Conference Training
bullet  Radiation and Health Part 2: Radioactive Elements and Their Decay  Net Web Conference Training
bullet  Radiation and Health Part 3: Radiation Detection and Measurement  Net Web Conference Training
bullet  Radiation and Health Part 4: Introduction to Radiation Dosimetry  Net Web Conference Training
bullet  Radiation and Health Part 5: Radioactive Materials in the Environment  Net Web Conference Training
bullet  Radiation and Health Part 6: Environmental Pathways and Radiation Effects  Net Web Conference Training
bullet  The Puerto Rico Children's Environmental Health Conference
bullet  Vapor Intrusion Workshop  Net Web Conference Training
bullet  Working Effectively with Tribal Governments
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