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Knowing and Using the National Contingency Plan (NCP)

Knowing and Using the National Contingency Plan is designed to help OSCs understand their authorities under the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) during removal actions. The course covers the important authorities and responsibilities of the OSC through (1) a thorough discussion of the response framework established in the NCP and (2) case studies and interactive discussions on special topics. This particular course will also focus on legal duties and responsibilities under the Oil Pollution Act and Stafford Act. Special topics include Access Issues, Interagency Agreements, ARARs, the Administrative Record, POLREPs, and Trustee Consultations. The presentations identify and examine issues often faced by OSCs in the conduct of their everyday work. The course will conclude with an opportunity for OSCs to discuss site-specific issues within the framework of the NCP.

This course is recommended for newer OSCs and for experienced OSCs as a refresher, and is open to EPA staff only.

Important Notice: Due to the content presented during a CEC course and the restrictions in place for non-citizens to enter federal buildings, international attendees are not permitted to attend CEC courses.

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