Stormwater pollution, especially in developed urban areas is a leading cause of water quality degradation in U.S. rivers, lakes, streams, and other surface waters. Water quality problems associated with nonpoint sources of pollution, particularly stormwater, are being addressed by federal mandates that affect all states. The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II, Storm Water Regulations requires stormwater plans from thousands of municipalities nationwide, and there is a renewed focus nationally on the total maximum daily load provisions (TMDL) in the Clean Water Act. These programs are predicted to have a significant influence on the rate at which new technologies enter the marketplace, as they bring more attention and increased resources to stormwater control issues.
As new products are added to the marketplace list of stormwater best management practices, there is a growing demand for good data and information on these technologies. To address this issue, the Technology Acceptance and Reciprocity Partnership (TARP) states of CA, MA, MD, NJ, PA, VA, and WA formed the Stormwater Work Group to layout a cost-effective path for evaluating innovative stormwater technologies by producing scientifically credible data, as well as useful information, which demonstrates how to apply the technology in the field to manage stormwater runoff.
To support responsible use of stormwater technologies, the TARP Stormwater Work Group developed two Internet-based training modules. The two modules cover aspects of stormwater technology evaluation and are supported by the "TARP Protocol for Stormwater Best Management Practice Demonstrations."
Module I: Planning for a Stormwater BMP Demonstration
- Factors Affecting Stormwater Sampling
- Data Quality Objectives and the Test QA Plan
Module II: Collecting and Analyzing Stormwater BMP Data
- Statistical Analyses
- Sampling Design
- Data Adequacy: Case Study
The purpose of the Protocol is to provide a uniform method for demonstrating stormwater technologies and developing test quality assurance (QA) plans for certification or verification of performance claims. In this training course you will learn:
- to use the Protocol to identify gaps and inconsistencies in a test plan for evaluation of a stormwater technology and understand differences in state requirements;
- to recognize data deficiencies;
- to develop, implement, and review a test plan;
- to understand, evaluate, and implement statistical methods.
The goal of this training course is to encourage collaboration, data sharing and reciprocal review amongst states and practitioners, while providing a uniform method for demonstrating stormwater technologies and developing Test Quality Assurance (QA) Plans. As a result of these efforts there will be an increase in expertise for assessment of stormwater technology performance and a reduction decision-making timeframes for technology implementation.
Information Request: If you are using the TARP protocol (or a comparable protocol) to evaluate stormwater BMPs we would like to hear about it. Please contact Nancy Baker ( or 617-654-6524) as we would like to understand how the TARP protocol is being used and to track issues in the TARP protocol that need further clarification, modification, and refinement. To provide us information on data you have collected regarding stormwater BMPs contact Jerry Schoen or at 413-545-5532.
For general information contact Jean Balent
by telephone at 202-566-0832
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