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Natural and Enhanced Attenuation for Chlorinated Solvents: New Developments and Tools
Hosted by U.S. Dept. of Energy

The Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management’s Office of Groundwater and Soil Remediation and the Savannah River National Laboratory invite you to attend a seminar that introduces the processes and tools developed by a national team of scientists challenged to identify and then develop the “next generation” tools to support the implementation of attenuation based remedies at chlorinated solvent contaminated sites. Attendees will be introduced to the latest information related to attenuation based remedies for sites contaminated with chlorinated solvents. By attending this meeting you will get ahead of the curve on topics being incorporated into upcoming technical regulatory guidance by the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council. Though many of the new tools are specific for chlorinated solvents, the three main technical concepts that were the basis for selecting the research studies are transferable to metals and radionuclides.

Please click here for a fully detailed course description and agenda. For general information contact Kathleen T. Graham by telephone at 303-312-6137 or via e-mail at

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