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Contaminant Forensics of Petroleum, Chlorinated Hydrocarbons, and Metals
Geochemical Applications for Assessing Contaminant Transport, Risk, and Apportioning Liability
Hosted by Northwest Environmental Training Center

This course provides participants with an overview and introduction to forensic geochemical techniques that can resolve issues related to contaminant transport and associated risks. The course provides the fundamentals of forensic science, and addresses how forensic results have been used to identify parties responsible for a contaminant release, and apportion liability for cleanup/recovery costs. The course is intended for environmental, geotechnical, engineering, and regulatory professionals seeking an improved understanding of contaminated s ...  [click for more]

For general information contact Kristine Robson by telephone at 206-762-1976 (Fax: 206-762-1979) or via e-mail at

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