Key EPA Internet Tools for Watershed Management Internet-based seminar EPA's Web sites include a wealth of information about the nation's waterbodies and this Webcast will help you learn how to access this information. Our information is housed in several "national databases" and this Webcast will demonstrate how to query, access and use the information. The Webcast will showcase a number of the Internet tools that EPA has developed to support development of watershed plans, provide watershed training and help you get nuts and bolts information about your watershed. While some of the online tools are straightforward and perform simple functions, others offer capability for multiple-step queries to report information. Using simple screen shots and step-by-step explanations, the Webcast will explain how to do queries from some key EPA water-related databases, such as water quality standards, 303(d) listed impaired waters, assessed waters, STORET (water quality monitoring information) and discharge monitoring reports from permitted dischargers. The session will also provide instruction on using EnviroMapper, an online mapping application that provides an interactive data query interface to display water-related information on a map. For general information contact Helen Siverling by telephone at 703-385-6000 More information on this event is available, click here
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