Risk and Crisis Communication is an intermediate course that provides OSCs with a framework and basic principles for effectively communicating with local residents, media, and other stakeholders during emergency response and crisis situations. One of the most difficult tasks an OSC must perform is to clearly communicate the risk associated with a response. An OSC’s audience for risk communication varies from concerned citizens and elected officials to the news media and business entities, and the type of risk to be communicated varies across the wide spectrum of responses made by OSCs. The course includes response scenario exercises during which OSCs will apply the principles of risk and crisis communication to specific situations that OSCs encounter regularly. Participants will be able to learn how to effectively prepare for general public and media interactions and avoid miscommunications and pitfalls. The course will present the principles and rationale behind risk communication techniques and OSCs will be able to gain a better understanding of their importance. Participants also will have the opportunity to examine the critical role of key messages and, through interactive examples, learn how to develop key messages for use in situations involving communication with the general public or media. This course will be instructed by Dr. Vincent Covello, Center for Risk Communication. Important Notice: Due to the content presented during a CEC course and the restrictions in place for non-citizens to enter federal buildings, international attendees are not permitted to attend CEC courses.
For general information contact Tom Condon
by telephone at 617-918-1206
via e-mail at condon.tom@epa.gov
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