This seminar is the third in a series sponsored by the NIEHS Superfund Basic Research Program to look at issues arising at DNAPL-contaminated hazardous waste sites. Presenting today will be Dr. Casey Miller, of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Remediation of subsurface systems contaminated with dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) remains as one of the most difficult open issues facing Superfund and the field of environmental sciences and engineering in general. Dr. Miller will examine the physicochemical reasons why this is so and summarize the challenges facing conventional remediation approaches. He considers an evolving class of remediation methods based upon the use of dense brine solutions, which are used to control the movement of DNAPLs in the subsurface. Results from one-, two-, and three-dimensional laboratory studies in heterogeneous porous medium systems will be presented. Based upon the various methods investigated, Dr. Miller will also present results from a three-stage remediation approach that illustrate a high fraction of DNAPL removal from complex, heterogeneous, three-dimensional systems. Finally, he will discuss some open issues and field-scale experimentation that is in progress. Additional seminars in November and December will examine other issues including biological remediation methods and remediation monitoring for DNAPLs.
For general information contact Larry Whitson
by telephone at 919-806-4244
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