This seminar, sponsored by the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and U.S. EPA Office of Emergency and Remedial Response, will present the latest advances in PCB bioremediation research. This involves genome sequencing and other genomic tools to evaluate the consequences of pollutant exposure on the overall bacterial community genome. The health of this genome is critical for effective bioremediation of PCBs to a biologically acceptable endpoint. In addition, presenters will examine the lessons learned from the PCBs found in dated sediment cores taken from the Hudson River in New York and New Jersey. Cores from depositional areas have been used to determine the history of PCB contamination, the progress of in situ dechlorination of PCBs, and the extent of influence of PCB inputs to the upper Hudson.
For general information contact Larry Whitson
by telephone at 919-806-4244
More information on this event is available,
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