Combined RRT 1 and 2 Spring 2017 Meeting
**Save the Date - April 11-13, 2017** You are invited to attend and participate in the combined Regional Response Team 1 and 2 (RRT1 and 2) Spring 2017 meeting. The agenda for the meeting is under development and will be posted to this site when available. RRTs are the federal component of the National Response System, made up of representatives from 15 federal departments and agencies and each of the states within the Region. RRT1 includes the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. RRT2 includes the states of New York and New Jersey. RRTs are co-chaired by the Removal Manager’s from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) regional offices, and the Incident Management and Preparedness Advisor of the United States Coast Guard's First District. It meets at least two times per year throughout the region. RRT 1 and 2 are planning, policy, and coordinating bodies which does not respond directly to the scene of a spill or release. They provides assistance as requested by the On-Scene Coordinator during an incident. More information regarding RRT 1 and 2 can be found on the RRT 1 and 2 websites at: RRT1: https://nrtqa.ert.org/site/site_profile.aspx?site_id=38 RRT2: https://www.nrt.org/site/site_profile.aspx?site_id=24 If you have any questions or concerns, please contact either the EPA or Coast Guard RRT coordinators:
James Carew
LT Annjea Cormier
Steve Touw
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