This course provides attendees with an insight into both the development of an effective industrial stormwater management program, and what strategies can be used to meet the requirements of the Colorado commerce and industrial stormwater permit. Participants will also gain a better understanding of the regulatory background, compliance requirements and best management practices (BMPs) associated with the permit. Included topics will inform stakeholders such as permit holders, stormwater service providers and other interested parties about NPDES, Preparing a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP), source control, sampling considerations, and BMP implementation and maintenance. This course will cover a variety of stormwater topics while providing attendees with a broad-level understanding of Industrial Stormwater Management in Colorado.
Intended Audience:
Permit managers, municipal inspectors, professional engineers, environmental consultants, as well as beginners new to the field and others interested in the topic will benefit from attending this workshop. Industrial wastewater treatment operators needing to fulfill their continuing education requirements are encouraged to attend.
For general information contact Christa Lilly
by telephone at 425-270-3274
via e-mail at
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