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Visualizing and Analyzing Environmental Data with R
Hosted by Northwest Environmental Training Center

This course is designed for participants who wish to gain beginning to intermediate skills in using R for manipulating, visualizing and analyzing their environmental data. R is a comprehensive statistical programming language that is cooperatively developed on the Internet as an open source project. This freely available statistical package R is a powerful tool and is projected to become the most widely used statistical software.

This class is taught using real-world environmental data sets and is hands-on using instructor-led examples. It is applicable to anyone that conducts environmental monitoring or uses environmental data for research, management, or policy-making and is recommended for anyone needing to become proficient with R basics. Being proficient in R will help participants be competitive in their chosen fields.

After completing this course attendees will be able to:

  • Understand the uses of R for working with environmental data
  • Installing R and R libraries
  • Import and export data from a range of sources including Excel and Access
  • Sorting, merging, and aggregating, subsetting, and converting data
  • Query and display data and generate basic data summaries
  • Create a variety of high quality data visualization graphics
  • Perform common statistical tests including t-tests, ANOVA, and linear models
  • Develop basic scripts to automate and document procedures and analyses

Registration: Earlybird pricing for registrations $595/$545*; $645/$595* thereafter
(*Reduced tuition available to employees of Native American tribes, nonprofits, and government agencies; students; and NAEP members).

For general information contact NWETC by telephone at 425-270-3274 or via e-mail at

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