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Planning and Preparing an Ecological Risk Assessment
Hosted by Northwest Environmental Training Center

In this 2-day course, attendees will learn and review both the technical and regulatory approaches to completing ecological risk assessments. Participants will come away with an understanding of the planning and preparation process for the completion of an ERA, including data development needs, selection of endpoints, and the development of lines of evidence. Understanding the topics covered will give attendees the ability to accurately assess the potential for ecological risk, which is paramount to the remedial decision-making process. In today’s environmental project planning, this can make the difference between the success or failure of a recommended action or approach.

During the course, attendees will examine the development of ERAs in both aquatic and terrestrial settings, and will receive a broad overview of the ecological risk assessment (ERA) process as it is used in evaluating potential environmental risks and liabilities associated with hazardous waste sites. Emphasis will be placed on providing a hands-on understanding of ecological risk assessment using the basic ERA paradigm as outlined in USEPA’s Ecological Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (ERAGS). Case studies and active engagement with the attendees will be used to reinforce the points presented in lecture.

For general information contact Ralph Fontaine by telephone at 425-270-3274 , Ext. 104 or via e-mail at

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