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Sustainable Materials Management Workshop: Bringing Everyone and Everything Together
Hosted by U.S. EPA Sustainable Materials Management Program
Partnering with State of Texas Alliance for Recycling (STAR) and City of Austin

Thank you for attending the Sustainable Materials Management Workshop: Bringing Everyone and Everything Together hosted by EPA Region 6, State of Texas Alliance for Recycling (STAR) and the City of Austin Resource Recovery. Workshop presentations have been made available at the STAR website.

EPA Region 6, State of Texas Alliance for Recycling (STAR) and the City of Austin Resource Recovery will host a one and one half day workshop at the Palmer Event Center in Austin, Texas to discuss the strategies of EPA's Sustainable Management program and its Challenges. The workshop is an opportunity for municipalities to share successful materials management experiences, as well as federal agencies who may be existing participants or want to learn more about the Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Challenges. Challenge areas include the Federal Green Challenge, Food Recovery Challenge, and the Electronics Challenge. Consistent with the workshop theme, current Challenge participants along with local partners will discuss their experiences implementing sustainable materials management strategies.

The workshop will include two tracks, "Discover and Share Local Successes" and "Federal Collaboration". Anticipated attendees include current SMM Challenge participants, EPA, STAR, City of Austin, Federal Facility Managers, Council of Governments, Solid Waste Planning Districts, Industry, Grocery stores, Recyclers, Universities, state and local governments.

Early registration is highly recommended.
*This workshop is offered free of charge to all registrants who are confirmed to attend.*
City of Austin Resource Recovery is sponsoring a lunch on February 25, so please register early in order to plan appropriately.

EPA logo                State of Texas Alliance for Recycling (STAR) logo                Austin Resource Recovery logo

For general information contact Deanna Debose (EPA Region 6) by telephone at 214-665-6461 or via e-mail at

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