Redirection Training Exchange | Nearshore Ecological Restoration, Protection, and Enhancement
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Nearshore Ecological Restoration, Protection, and Enhancement
Hosted by Northwest Environmental Training Center

This 2-day course will provide a broad overview of nearshore ecological restoration, protection, and enhancement techniques for diverse nearshore habitat types along the West Coast of the United States. The course will provide an overview of planning, design, and implementation of nearshore projects of regional and site-specific spatial scales and will also define and discuss nearshore restoration, protection, and enhancement projects.
Restoration, protection, and enhancement initiatives and projects are most effective when they include the coordination and communication between communities, planners, scientists, engineers, and other stakeholders.
Participants will gain a framework for identifying, evaluating, and developing nearshore restoration, protection, and enhancement projects of varying spatial scales and will learn about the planning of nearshore restoration, protection, and enhancement projects. Learning about design and implementation strategies is included along with a field trip on Day 2 to an established nearshore restoration, protection, or enhancement site.



For general information contact Christa Lilly by telephone at 425-270-3274 or via e-mail at

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