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State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Basics and Beyond
Hosted by Northwest Environmental Training Center

The basic overview section is designed to provide participants with a general overview of the purpose of SEPA, the procedural requirements of the SEPA rules, and how SEPA can be used in decision-making. Participants will learn how to determine when SEPA environmental review is required, evaluate a proposal and make a threshold determination, issue SEPA documents, provide public notice, consider comments, and use SEPA supplemental authority to condition or deny a proposal.

The afternoon focuses on advanced SEPA topics such as GMA-SEPA integration and Climate Change. This section is designed to provide participants with some SEPA experience an in-depth discussion on specific topics and allow time for a general discussion by the participants.

Registration: $150/150*
You may register via the link below or by calling the Northwest Environmental Training Center at (425) 270-3274.

For general information contact Jade Sepolen via e-mail at

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