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ProUCL Webinar Part I
Internet-based seminar
Hosted by U.S. EPA

Peer-reviewed EPA software, ProUCL has been developed to address statistical and data analytic needs of environmental projects originating from the various CERCLA and RCRA site investigations. ProUCL can be downloaded from the EPA website:

ProUCL Webinar Part I will provide basic information regarding: ProUCL logistics and computer requirements; data file creation and management for full data sets without nondetect observations and for left-censored data sets consisting of nondetects (NDs); analysis of multiple contaminants simultaneously; analysis of data with multiple groups; saving graphs and output sheets generated by ProUCL.

The focus of ProUCL Webinar Part I will be to make participants familiar with graphical and statistical methods available in ProUCL to: identify outliers; perform goodness-of-fit tests for normal, lognormal, and gamma distributions; compute DQOs based minimum sample sizes needed to address project objectives; and compute 95% upper confidence limits to estimate exposure point concentration (EPC) terms. Participants will learn how to interpret statistical results produced by ProUCL and derive conclusions based upon those results.

Data sets consisting of NDs will be used to illustrate statistical methods for left-censored data sets. Real data sets from participants' projects can also be considered to address statistical issues often encountered in environmental applications. The participants may send their data sets in advance.

Who Should Attend
This webinar will be useful for regulators, environmental scientists and practitioners, site owners/operators, consultants and contractors who use or want to use statistics to do their work.

For general information contact Felicia Barnett by telephone at 404-562-8659
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