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Introduction to ArcHydro Managing and Mapping Hydrologic Data with ArcGIS
Hosted by Northwest Environmental Training Center

This two-day course provides an introduction to the ArcHydro data model and tools for managing water resources with ArcGIS. The course provides a brief introduction to relational database concepts and quickly transitions into using the ArcHydro data model to build a sample model of a river basin. In the process of building up the sample model participants will learn the basic principles of the ArcHydro data model and how the ArcHydro tools can be used to manage and work with hydrologic data. This course is intended for experienced ArcGIS users seeking an improved understanding of ArcHydro and modeling with water resource data.

ArcHydro is a geospatial and temporal data model for water resources that operates within ArcGIS. This new 'framework' allows water resources professionals to do a multitude of water resource modeling. At the heart of this framework is a relational database model that provides both flexibility and power to adapt the data model to the wide array of water resources challenges and issues. ArcHydro is a data structure that supports hydrologic simulation models, but it is not itself a simulation model. ArcHydro comes with a set of tools to develop your database.

Tuition: $595 (*$495 reduced tuition is available for Native American tribes; government employees; nonprofits; students; and NAEP, NEBC, NWAEP members). For general information contact Kristine Robson by telephone at 206-762-1976 (Fax: 206-762-1979) or via e-mail at

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