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Wetland Science and Delineation
Hosted by Northwest Environmental Training Center

This three day course will provide participants with a solid understanding of state and federal regulatory landscape affecting wetland resources in the NW. The US Army Corps of Engineer's Section 404 Permitting Process will be described in detail with a particular focus on changes to federal jurisdiction resulting from recent federal court cases. This discussion will highlight the influence of state wetland regulations on federal wetland regulations and the 401 water quality certification processs. It will also address the influence that local political and socioeconomic factors can have on the federal wetland permitting program.

Equal attention within this course will be given to providing participants with guided, hands-on experience identifying field-indicators of different types of wetland resources. Activities will provide opportunities to identify field indicators of hydric soils, key characteristics of hydrophytic vegetation, and hydrologic characteristics for palustrine, lacustrine, and riverine wetland habitats. Wetland delineation field-trips will include visits both to natural wetlands and artificially created mitigation wetlands, where successful mitigation construction techniques will be discussed. Soil probes, spades, and munsell soil charts will be used. Waterproof boots and clothing will be required.

Tuition: $695 For general information contact Kristine Robson by telephone at 206-762-1976 (Fax: 206-762-1979) or via e-mail at

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