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Improving Contracting, Design, and Evaluation of Groundwater Pump and Treat Systems
Internet-based seminar
Hosted by U.S. EPA

This seminar discusses four EPA fact sheets on lessons learned from conducting optimization reviews at over 30 pump and treat (P&T) systems nationwide. The seminar covers a variety of topics, including the cost-effective design of P&T systems as well as effective management, contracting, and reporting for operating P&T systems. Illustrative examples are used to convey a number of concepts, including design considerations at complex sites, describe the primary components of a capture zone evaluation, and discuss the merits of fixed-price or time-and-materials contracts for long-term operations and maintenance (O&M) of P&T systems. One of the fact four sheets is a template for an O&M report, and the internet seminar presents the various sections, tables, and figures that are included in the template.


In 2001, Superfund Program piloted the Remediation System Evaluation (RSE) process to optimize operating groundwater P&T systems. The RSE process involves an independent evaluation of all aspects of an operating system to determine if improvements in remedy efficiency and effectiveness are possible. The pilot project expanded into a nationwide effort at Superfund-financed sites and also has been applied to sites in the RCRA and OUST programs. To date, nearly 40 RSEs have been performed at EPA sites. Many lessons learned have been gleaned from the RSEs and this information has been captured in a series of EPA optimization fact sheets. This seminar discusses four recent fact sheets and provides information on upcoming EPA optimization efforts. For general information contact Kathy Yager by telephone at 617-918-8362 or via e-mail at

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