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2nd Civilian-Military Anthrax Response Technical Workshop
Hosted by National Response Team

This 2-day workshop is sponsored by the NRT as follow-on to its 2001 Federal-DoD workshop. The workshop has been established to convene experts in biological agent response in order to:
(1) Share lessons learned and determine issues to be updated/added to NRT's 2001 Anthrax Response Technical Advisory Document (TAD) (to potentially include guidance applicable to other biological agents of concern);
(2) Identify consensus positions on various key technical and procedural issues.
(3) Identify key POCs - particularly those willing to assist with the update of various TAD chapters; and
(4) Encourage collaboration on future/ongoing initiatives

This workshop is intended only for personnel of federal organizations who already have established expertise dealing with anthrax/biological agent incidents. Some State/local personnel will be permitted on a case-by-case basis. There are no registration fees.

Attendees will be expected to participate in one of three breakout sessions: Detection; Risk Assessment and Risk Management; or Decontamination (more details are provided under "More information" below). Each breakout session has selected speakers/panel members and a set of issues/question on which to focus and address. For general information contact Veronique Hauschild by telephone at 703-603-0640 or via e-mail at

More information on this event is available, click here This link opens in a new window.

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