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Risk Communication Training
Basic level training
Hosted by U.S. EPA, Community Involvement and Program Initiatives Branch
Community Involvement University (CIU)

What is the course overview?
This course provides participants with hands-on skills to handle challenges with any stakeholder, internal or external, in any situation for any communication issue. Also, the course provides tools and skills for:

  • Effectively identifying and prioritizing stakeholder groups;
  • Obtaining effective information from and developing relationships with stakeholders;
  • Developing risk communication messages; and
  • Determining the most effective methods and tools for conveying these messages.

Who should take this course?
This course is recommended for EPA staffers who want to improve their risk communication skills with any stakeholder, internal or external on any issue that could impact your organization’s mission. These issues may include:

  • Environment, safety, and health perceptions;
  • Agendas such as political, economic, social, cultural; and
  • Dealing with emotions such anger and fear.

There are no suggested prerequisites.

What are the course learning objectives?
Participants who complete this course will gain skills on how to:

  • Respond to any difficult question or statement on any issue;
  • Identify and use non-verbal communication;
  • Develop appropriate messages for specific stakeholders;
  • Plan and conduct challenging meetings both external and internal; and
  • Develop a risk communication strategy and plan for any issue for both internal and external stakeholders.

What are the logistics?
This two and one-half day (20 hour) course is an interactive, "hands-on" training course that uses trainer role-playing and a variety of other instructional approaches to focus on the specific challenges that the participants face in the workplace. Recommended course size is 20-35 participants.

Keith Fulton and Sandy Martinez with Fulton Communications teach this course. Mr. Fulton draws on his 34 years of extensive experience in public risk communication, community relations and media relations. Ms. Martinez draws on her 10 years of experience in public relations, public risk communication and community out-reach.

Is there available background material?

  • Participants receive a copy of Risk Communication Primer, written by Fulton Communications.
For general information contact Tina Conley by telephone at 703-603-0696 or via e-mail at

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