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EPA Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Grantee Training

Please join us in Philadelphia, PA on June 6-7, 2017 for the Brownfields Area-Wide Planning (BF AWP) Grantee Training. This training is designed for community representatives from the new FY17 grantees who are just getting started on their BF AWP projects, and current FY15 grantees with ongoing projects who will soon begin implementing their plans. EPA regional project officers who are assigned to manage these grants will participate in the training alongside their grantees.

Our training agenda includes:

  • Several BF AWP project sharing opportunities
  • Sharing of past experiences/lessons learned
  • A community engagement and sustaining momentum activity
  • An overview of and interaction opportunities with EPA’s technical assistance providers
  • Implementation strategies discussions
  • New grantee kick-off training (for FY17 grantees)
  • Reminders for grant project completion (for FY15 grantees)
  • ACRES reporting overview

Please review the attached draft agenda and logistics sheet for more detailed information.

Registration closes at 5:00 PM (Eastern) on Friday, May 12. 

For general information contact Aimee Storm by telephone at (202) 566 06 or via e-mail at

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