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Translating Environmental Science and Connecting People and Technology
Hosted by U.S. EPA, Community Involvement and Program Initiatives Branch
Community Involvement University (CIU)

What is the course overview?
This workshop helps pubic officials more effectively communicate and connect with their constituents, become more confident and comfortable speaking in public and grow their ability to manage tough people and crowds.

Who should take this course?
This course is recommended for EPA staff or managers who present to the public or other non-technical or expert stakeholders. There are no prerequisites for this course.

What are the course learning objectives?
Participants who complete this course will gain skills on how to:

  • Develop more confidence in public situations, make great first impressions and adopt body language skills that support what they’re saying and grow credibility;
  • Learn about the setting, best manage the physical space, microphones and visuals, and how (and how not) to dress;
  • Understand five critical presentation behaviors to help them connect with today’s citizens -- who think and learn differently than they used to;
  • Get key points across and manage the tough questions;
  • Present uncertainty and the risks and questions in almost every public policy decision;
  • Avoid the five mistakes that almost everyone makes and learn what to eliminate from your speeches and presentations; and
  • Improve what and how they present, using specific tips, whether they’re seasoned or relatively new to public service.

What are the logistics?
This one-half to one-day course is a mix of participant small and large group discussion, video and demonstration. Recommended course size is 12-30 participants.

John Godec of The Participation Company (TPC) teaches this course. He is an international trainer, consultant and expert in risk and high stakes communication, conflict resolution, consensus, and public participation, specializing in issues management. He has designed and facilitated hundreds of diverse meetings and advisory groups on controversial projects for federal, state, tribal, and private industry entities, and is a Certified Professional Facilitator.

TPC offers a wide range of courses on public participation, collaboration, communication, conflict resolution and facilitation tailored specifically to EPA and the Superfund program. These courses are designed as stand-alone events or combined in many configurations to create a customized program of instruction for groups or teams. All training is highly interactive and includes a wide variety of real-life lessons. Focus is on providing real, practical skills that EPA program managers, communicators and community relations professionals will apply immediately.

Is there available background material?

There is no recommended background material.

For general information contact Tina Conley by telephone at 703-603-0696 or via e-mail at

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