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Planning for Participation: Trends and Opportunities with Community Involvement Plans
Basic Level Training
Hosted by U.S. EPA, Community Involvement and Program Initiatives Branch
Community Involvement University (CIU)

What is the course overview?
This Webinar presentation highlights an award-winning Community Involvement Plan (CIP)-of-the-Year. The CIP will be presented as both a learning tool and a springboard to illustrate EPA Headquarters' new CIP tool in the Superfund Community Involvement Toolkit. The presentation will highlight the format and structure of CIPs and provide a broader view of effective CIPs.

Who should take this course?
This course is recommended for newer CICs, new EPA or EPA-affiliated public involvement staff, and Remedial Project Managers (RPMs).  This course is also appropriate for EPA staffers, who wish to be introduced to developing a CIP. There are no suggested prerequisites. 

What are the course learning objectives?   
Participants who complete this course will gain skills on how to:

  • Describe challenges in developing a CIP;
  • List components of an effective CIP; and
  • Discuss various approaches (i.e., innovative ways) to craft a CIP.

What are the logistics?
This one and one-half hour webinar presentation includes time for audience participation, such as questions and answers. The Webinar will end with a facilitated group discussion on personal experience (both good and bad) in crafting and implementing effective CIPs. Maximum course size is 25 participants.

The two presenters who teach this course include a seasoned Community Involvement Coordinator working at the regional level and an EPA OSWER Community Engagement Initiative (CEI) team leader who works in the Superfund Community Involvement and Program Initiatives Branch.

Is there available background material?

For general information contact T by telephone at 703-603-0696 or via e-mail at

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