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Facilitating Effective Superfund Public Meetings and Events
Intermediate Level Training
Hosted by U.S. EPA, Community Involvement and Program Initiatives Branch
Community Involvement University (CIU)

What is the course overview?
This course explores the principles of powerful facilitation and how to create an effective facilitative presence at public meetings and events. Participants will learn the basic approach to preparing for and facilitating effective meetings and have a chance to learn and practice facilitation skills.

Who should take this course?
This course is recommended for EPA staff or managers (e.g., CICs, RPMs, OSCs) who need to plan, manage, and facilitate public meetings. Designing Effective Public Meetings and Events is a recommended pre-requisite.

What are the course learning objectives?

Participants who complete this course will gain skills on:

  • What is powerful facilitation;
  • Who can facilitate;
  • Roles of the facilitator;
  • Setting the stage for successful meetings;
  • Facilitator knowledge, behaviors and skills;
  • Facilitation strategies and tips; and
  • Finding your facilitation style.

What are the logistics?
This course is presented as a two-day facilitation workshop to train, prepare, and practice the skills that are needed to manage effective public meetings. Participants will get the chance to practice their skills and work with each other in identifying how to find their own facilitation approach. Regions can customize the course to their intended staff and needs. Recommended course size is 12-30 participants. 

Doug Sarno of The Participation Company (TPC) teaches this course. He developed the course and is a civil engineer with more than 30 years of experience in Superfund and environmental cleanup. He has devoted much of his career to improving environmental decision-making and effectively engaging diverse groups of stakeholders in complex and controversial decisions.

TPC offers a wide range of courses on public participation, collaboration, communication, conflict resolution and facilitation tailored specifically to EPA and the Superfund program. These courses are designed as stand-alone events or combined in many configurations to create a customized program of instruction for groups or teams. All training is highly interactive and includes a wide variety of real-life lessons. Focus is on providing real, practical skills that EPA program managers, communicators and community relations professionals will apply immediately.

Is there available background material?

  • Participants receive a detailed course workbook.
For general information contact Tina Conley by telephone at 703-603-0696 or via e-mail at

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