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Effective Writing for Superfund Staff: Community Involvement Plans (CIPs) and Beyond
Basic Level Training

What is the course overview?
EPA uses community involvement plans (CIPs) and associated outreach materials to help enable meaningful community involvement in the Superfund cleanup process. Learn how to write clear, concise, and well-organized CIPs and other documents that help encourage community involvement. This webinar will emphasize good writing techniques, such as use of active voice, plain English, and positive messaging. It will also cover some effective formatting techniques, such as creating headings that communicate ideas and improve readability.

Who should take this course?
This course is recommended for Community Involvement Coordinators (CICs), EPA or EPA-affiliated public involvement staff, Remedial Project Managers (RPMs) and others involved in writing or developing CIPs. This course is also appropriate for EPA staffers who write other documents. There are no suggested prerequisites.

What are the course learning objectives?
Participants who complete this course will gain skills on:

  • Identifying the target audience;
  • Organizing an effective document;
  • Communicating the most critical information early on in the document;
  • Mapping key messages before drafting the document;
  • Effective formatting techniques;
  • and Effective writing techniques.

What are the logistics?
This one and one-half hour webinar presentation includes interactive audience participation, such as questions and answers. There are two presenters who teach this course, including at least one seasoned CIC working at the regional level.

Is there available background material?
Effective Writing for Superfund Staff: Community Involvement Plans (CIP) and Beyond – Quick Tips Sheet
Effective Writing for Superfund Staff: Community Involvement Plans and Beyond (January 28, 2015)
Effective Writing for Superfund Staff: Community Involvement Plans and Beyond (April 23, 2014)

For general information contact Tina Conley by telephone at 703-603-0696 or via e-mail at

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