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Basic Training on the Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) Tool
Hosted by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and WA State Dept. of Ecology
Thank you to the Environmental Science and Management Dept. at Portland State University

What is RSEI?
The Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI, pronounced “REE-SEE”) is a computer-based screening tool developed by EPA that uses information from the publically available Toxics Release Inventory (TRI). RSEI combines TRI release data with information on other risk factors, such as estimates of toxicity and exposed populations, to assess the relative impacts of releases of toxic chemicals.

How is RSEI used?
RSEI allows a user to generate risk-related comparisons that can be used to answer questions such as:

  • How do different industries compare to one another from a health risk perspective?
  • What is the relative contribution of chemicals to the RSEI risk score within a given industry?
  • What release pathway for a particular chemical poses the greatest potential risk?
  • What is the trend in potential risk-related impacts for particular chemicals, industries, or geographic areas?

The results can be used to set priorities and direct resources to areas with the greatest opportunity to achieve health and environmental risk reductions.

About the training
In this four-hour workshop, participants will learn about the RSEI program, then use RSEI to generate a risk-screening comparison. After completing the training, students will be able to:

  • Interpret and map RSEI results
  • View TRI chemical releases and transfers from three perspectives:
    • Pounds-based
    • Hazard-based
    • Risk-based
  • Rank and prioritize chemicals for strategic planning at any geographical level, such as national, state, or zip code
  • Screen potential impacts of emissions
  • Conduct risk-related targeting
  • Export RSEI results to other programs

For more information on RSEI, visit 
For more information on TRI, visit

Training sessions will be conducted by Rich Engler from the U.S. EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics. Each session will cover the same content.

Prior knowledge of TRI is helpful, but not necessary.

There is no charge to attend this training. Space in each session is limited. Please be courteous of others and cancel your registration if you will not be able to attend.

Questions? Contact:
Gabriela Carvalho, U.S. EPA - Region 10: 206-553-4016,
Diane Fowler, WA Dept. of Ecology: 360-407-6171,

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