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Renewable Energy on Potentially Contaminated Land Webinar Series: Department of Energy's Technical Assistance Program
Internet-based Seminar
Hosted by U.S. EPA

Through its RE-Powering America's Land initiative, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is encouraging renewable energy development on current and formerly contaminated land and mining sites. EPA has identified thousands of acres of Brownfield, Superfund, mining, and other potentially contaminated sites with potential for utility scale solar facilities. Siting renewable energy facilities on brownfields offers significant benefits to communities.

Many brownfields have infrastructure in place such as transmission and water lines, thereby reducing the need for local government investments. Renewable energy can provide a reuse option for brownfields that don't have other viable uses, or are located in sensitive communities. It also avoids development of greenfields that might otherwise be used to site these facilities. In addition, these facilities may generate tax, land use, and royalty revenues and provide construction and maintenance jobs.

During this session, Courtney Welch will provide an overview of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Technical Assistance Program (TAP). TAP supports the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG) and the State Energy Program (SEP) by providing state, local, and tribal officials the tools and resources needed to implement successful and sustainable clean energy programs. Through TAP, DOE has launched a $25 millon effort to assist EECBG and SEP Recovery Act recipients. This effort, which is jointly-funded with EECBG and SEP Recovery Act dollars, is aimed at accelerating payments, improving project and program performance, and increasing the return on Recovery Act investments. From one-on-one assistance, to an extensive online resource library, to facilitation of peer exchange of best practices and lessons learned-TAP offers a wide range of resources to serve the needs of EECBG and SEP grantees.

For general information contact Justin Crane by telephone at 919-794-4702
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