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RCRA Community Engagement (CE) Workshop
Hosted by U.S. EPA Region 4
RCRA Division

This is a basic course targeted for EPA technical staff, middle managers and invited State staff to activate their thinking and also spark their motivation and commitment to enhance quality CE outcomes. Participants representing the following programs are highly recommended to attend, since proactive CE is essential for conducting environmental protection: Underground Storage Tanks, Landfills, Enforcement/Compliance, Permitting, RCRA Corrective Action, Materials Management, and Brownfields/Revitalization, as well as attorneys and environmental justice and external affairs specialists. Attendees from EPA, state environmental agencies, and public health agencies should attend.
CE and public participation are often described as “processes to understand public values and use diverse input in a planned effort to improve decision-making and communications.” This 2-day introductory learner-centered course will touch on highlights of CE preparation and execution. Examples used will be mainly RCRA facilities/sites, since this is sponsored under the auspices of EPA Region 4’s RCRA Community Engagement Initiative (“CEI”), now in its 7th month. The format will be interactive, applied, discursive (not all lecture!), and reality-based. Trainers will include both EPA facilitators and external facilitators. External presenters will include:
  •  Doug Sarno – Former International Assn of Public Participation trainer, 30 years public participation consulting experience (VA-based)
  • Leanne Nurse – Currently with U.S. EPA Headquarters (formerly with Region 3), Community Involvement and Collaboration Training specialist, backgrounds in civic engagement, deliberative democracy and the green economy. (Washington, DC-based) 
  • Harold Mitchell – Non-Profit CEO heading up a nationally recognized environmental justice (“EJ”) revitalization project (SC-based) 
  • Connie Tucker – Former Director of Non-Profit heading up Environmental Justice network from South Carolina to Louisiana for +10 years, and 2-term member on EPA’s National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (AL-based)
  • Nancy Whittle – Lead Community Liaison expert for SC DHEC award-winning CE program, 30-years experience
 This workshop will integrate core values and elements of public participation, organizing for CE, effective communications, practical CE exercises, CE tools and case studies. Class size is limited and will be by invitation only.


For general information contact Brian Holtzclaw by telephone at 404/562-8684 or via e-mail at

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