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Green Roofs and Living Walls for Residential Applications
Course ID: GBS-402
Hosted by Northwest Environmental Training Center

Description: Green roofs and walls are rapidly becoming one of today’s most innovative climate friendly solutions. Significant environmental benefits can now be quantified such as pollution reduction and run-off, insulating properties and reducing building maintenance and cost. With these pioneering technologies building owners can now gain a proven return on investment while presenting significant social, economic, and environmental benefits. Building professionals and enthusiasts alike will find this course of value. Over a two-day period, participants explore the history of green roofs and living walls, the practical techniques for construction and function, design, materials, draining layers and plants. Additional discussion topics will address other associated benefits, installation issues and marketing options.

Registration: $495/$395* earlybird pricing for registrations received by January 6, 2010; $550/ $450* thereafter
*Reduced tuition is available for Native American tribes; government employees; nonprofits; students; and NAEP, NEBC, NWAEP members. You may register via the link below or by calling the Northwest Environmental Training Center at 206-762-1976. For general information contact Ingrid Clausen by telephone at 206-762-1976 (Fax: iclausen@nwe)
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