Event Description: |
This (two day) eight hour virtual course is for experienced personnel responsible for developing, implementing, or managing safety programs for hazardous waste clean-up operations, treatment, storage and disposal facilities, or responding to chemical emergencies.
The course will help you answer the following questions as a site supervisor:
What are your health and safety responsibilities?
What do the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) say are your responsibilities and potential liabilities as the EPA representative?
What should you be looking for when reviewing a site health and safety plan?
How is an accident investigation conducted?
Topics discussed include responsibilities and liabilities, health and safety plans, accident investigations and lessons learned.
The instructional methodology for this course includes lecture, case studies, and group discussions. The target audience for this course is RPMs, OSCs and other site safety managers.
This course meets the 29 CFR1910.120(e)(4) requirements of eight hours of initial training for on-site management and supervisors, directly responsible for, or who supervise employees engaged in, hazardous waste operations.
Continuing Education Units: 0.8
Note: This course is intended for U.S. EPA and U.S. Coast Guard personnel only.
IMPORTANT: ERTP’s receipt of a Trainex course registration is a Registration Request, it is not a Guaranteed Enrollment in the Course. All ERTP training courses require applicant registration thru the Trainex system. Last minute course arrivals without prior ERTP Trainex course registration approval is not permitted. Before ERTP issues final approval to deliver any course and/or any EPA offices incurring expenses for the training event (including but not limited to EPA staff travel TA’s and/or ERTP training contractor expenses incurred), all EPA mandatory pre-approvals must all be met. The pre-approvals include (but are not limited to) the following:
Training location’s availability;
COVID status and/or other COVID Guidelines in effect for the location, as well as staff;
Agency limitations, scrutiny, and approvals of ‘Conference Spending Requirements (known as the “5170”)’ for the specific training course(s) scheduled delivery timeframe;
Weather (blizzard, hurricane, etc);
Contractual number of available course training slots;
EPA training location staff having priority registration over all other registrations; and/or
Hosting site Training Coordinator approval.
In the event a course is subsequently postponed or canceled, or notification of registration cancellation is received, all EPA travel arrangements (airline/car rental/hotel) should be canceled in a timely manner. Registered students will receive a notification via email if/when a course is postponed and/or cancelled.
Notice:For in-person course deliveries, confirmed course registered participants must abide by all facility physical access requirements for the location (examples: check-in at the security gate, Federal ID, Government PIV/CAC cards, photo id’s, etc.). If applicable for the course or location, restrictions may apply to non-citizens and acceptable identification may be required for facility entry. Unless otherwise specified, ERTP TRAINING IS GENERALLY NOT OPEN TO INTERNATIONAL ATTENDEES, ACADEMIA, CONTRACTORS, CONSULTANTS OR OTHER PRIVATE ENTITIES.
Additional Information: |
Course Dates are 12/12/2023 12:30 to 4:30 ET (Tuesday) & 12/13/2023 08:30 - 12:30 ET (Wednesday) - Virtual
Once a registration is approved, the applicant will receive a confirmed enrollment email notification (usually in the form of a confirmed Outlook email calendar event (that is not identified as “Hold the Date”).
*This course is offered free of charge to all registrants who are confirmed to attend.*
Conference Spending Requirements(known as the “5170”) -Applicable to all ERTP in-person courses & training dates– All EPA staff travel spending will be closely monitored/scrutinized for 5170 cost-monitoring requirements. All EPA staff registering for the above course registration links are requested to notify the EPA/Region staff identified at the bottom of this webpage in advance and provide the preliminary cost estimate details in writing via email. The Region POC and/or other EPA staff are responsible for tracking EPA 5170 spending for this training event. Travel spending includes all funds to be paid for by EPA. The 5170 conference spending requirement is not applicable to participants external to EPA, where EPA is not funding travel.
EPA travel spending “Project Code for this training event: The unique project code for this training event is ME030300.****
****Participants are responsible for ensuring this code, once it is assigned, is used in the Site Project field under the Accounting tab in Concur. This code must be used for all travel authorizations, travel vouchers, and local travel vouchers related to this specific training course event. For the code shown as “TBD”, upon receipt of OCFO’s approval this webpage will be updated to add the approved code. For TA’s approved in advance, it is the traveler’s responsibility to ensure the TA is amended to add the correct project code(s) and/or MUSTbe added to the final Travel Voucher. For some back-to-back delivered courses, two different unique travel codes may be required. If needed, your FCO/Funds Certifying Official can provide assistance to ensure the code is entered correctly in Concur.
****Note: ERTP’s training contractors are NOT involved in EPA’s internal 5170 conference spending processes or approvals. All 5170 related questions are to be forwarded to the Region course POC, or Region Training Coordinator, and/or the EPA ERTP Contracting Officer Representatives (COR’s).
This event will be held
at: |
Internet Based
Live Online Class, Internet Based
Sonia Maldonado
Environmental Protection Specialist
U.S. EPA Region III, SEMD (3HS42)
Phone:(215) 814-3242
Raj Sharma, P.E.
On-Scene Coordinator
Western Response Section (3SD32)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Four Penn Center
1600 J.F.K. Boulevard
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
Phone: 215.514.8620