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General Information
Event Name: SEMS/Primavera Training
Hosted By: U.S. EPA - Region 9
Event Description:

EPA Region 9 Superfund Division is hosting a Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS) and Primavera training. SEMS is the Agency’s Superfund planning and tracking database that replaced the CERCLIS database. This is a 2-day training that is mandatory for RPMs, RPM section chiefs, and other former CERCLIS users. There will be two sessions, so please sign up for either the March 25-26 or March 27-28 session. Both 2-day sessions will run from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. The maximum number of attendees per sessio ...  [more]

Additional Information:

This is a mandatory training for the SFD RPMs in Region 9.
There will be 2 sessions and NTE 40 participants for each 2-day session.
Each session will have 2 persons at each table sharing a laptop.

Registration Status: Overbooked - Waiting List
Event Begins: March 25, 2014 at 8:30 AM
Event Ends: March 26, 2014 at 4:30 PM
This event will be held at: Preservation Park - Niles Hall
1233 Preservation Park Way
Oakland, CA

This location is easily accessible by BART from the 12th Street Oakland City Center Station. From there, just walk up thru the mall, cross Clay Street and go thru the federal building, cross Jefferson Street and walk thru the short walkway, and finally cross Martin Luther King Jr. Way. Niles Hall is located in the far side of the 2nd building on the right, just before the fountain.

Location Map:
These maps are for getting a general idea of the location - they may not be 100% accurate.
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