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General Information
Event Name: RTFL Webinar Refresher Training (2012)
Event Description:

This training is only open to RTFLs who have attended the two week initial training course.

The RTFL Training Steering Committee has decided to begin a biannual cycle for Face-to-Face training (i.e., one year Webinar only and one year Face-to-Face only). This year (2012), will be the first year of the biannual cycle and only requires you to attend three Webinar training sessions.

There are THREE REQUIRED WEBINAR MODULES for RTFL Refresher Training in 2012. Each Module is approximately two hours long. Each of the three modules will be offered twice. The content of the modules doesn't "build upon" one another, so you can schedule to take the modules in any order. For your convenience and that of the instructors, the complex of three modules is being offered twice over three consecutive weeks in April and June, 2012.
The Webinars will be conducted using EPA’s Adobe Connect system. The link for RTFL training is:


For audio access PLEASE USE THE WEBINAR CONFERENCE LINE -- NOT your computer speakers and microphone.

Call In Number:  866-299-3188   Conference code:  702-784-8004#

The descriptions below outline the different Webinars included in this training.  Each of these Webinars is listed below as a class option.  Please carefully review that you are signing up for the correct Webinar offering you wish to attend.  You will want to make sure you are signing up for one of each of the three different Webinar offerings.  On each Details and Registration page it will clearly state which offering Webinar it is.


Webinar #1: Radiation Safety and the RTFL
(To be offered 1100-1300 EST on 4/12/12 and 6/13/12)

40 Minutes - Turn Back Levels and Posting Requirements - E. Jablonowski
Topics will include an overview of EPA Health and Safety Guidelines, “turnback” levels, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the Department of Energy Area “posting” requirements.

30 Minutes - Review of Respiratory Protection and Scott AV3000 - C. Royce
Provide orientation of Scott AV 3000 use, care and maintenance. Familiarize students with donning, doffing, fit check and other respirator use best practices. Provide students with information on EPA SHEM Respiratory Protection, and OSHA 29CFR1910.134 Requirements. Inform students of different types of respirators, cartridges and environments in which each may be used.


15 Minutes - Review of Level C PPE - S. Hudson
This is a review of what Level C means, and what it is designed to protect against, with respect to radioactive contaminants. A review of Level C components, and donning and doffing when exiting a radioactively contaminated environment will be presented.

30 Minutes - Potential RDD Radionuclides - S. Hudson
This is a general summary of several radioisotopes and their properties considered likely to be used in a radiological dispersal device (RDD). Pertinent characteristics of the various nuclides that should be of interest to RTFL students will also be presented.

The link for RTFL training is:


For audio access PLEASE USE THE WEBINAR CONFERENCE LINE -- NOT your computer speakers and microphone.

Call In Number:  866-299-3188   Conference code:  702-784-8004#



Webinar #2: Control Point Operations and Management
(To be offered: 1100-1300 EST on 4/19/12 and 6/20/12)

60 Minutes - Control Point/Buffer Area Responsibilities - D. Draper
This class is a review of the tasks that are accomplished at the control point at a major radiological event. In addition, the setup of the area and operation are discussed. There is a special emphasis on the release of personnel, equipment and samples from the radiological control area to the uncontrolled area.

45 Minutes - Review of EPD operation and Batch Files - C. Royce
Provide students with a refresher of the uses of EPDs. Inform students of the differences between self -reading dosimeters and TLDs. Discuss EPA SHEM requirements for dosimetry. Provide students with a basic refresher on use and operation of EPDs. Review the operation of the Easy EPD software. Provide step by step instructions on issuing EPDs, writing EPDs and batch writing EPDs. Inform students of their responsibilities during an event.

The link for RTFL training is:

For audio access PLEASE USE THE WEBINAR CONFERENCE LINE -- NOT your computer speakers and microphone.

Call In Number:  866-299-3188   Conference code:  702-784-8004#



Webinar #3: Survey and Decon Line Roles and Responsibilities
(To be offered: 1100-1300 on 4/26/12 and 6/27/12)

75 Minutes - Types of Surveys - D. Draper
This class discusses: the types of surveys that an RTFL may be assigned during a major radiological response; the specific  types of information desired from each of the types of surveys and; appropriate instrumentation to use for conducting each type of survey. Further discussions describe preparation requirements, including documentation, PPE, instrument checks,
and other activities necessary before starting a particular survey.

30 Minutes - Decon Line Review - S. Hudson
This is a review the layout of a Level C decon line. A description of the four stations and their functions, what the decon line workers are expected to be able to do, and provide a refresher on the most important things to watch for when providing support on a decon line.

The link for RTFL training is:

For audio access PLEASE USE THE WEBINAR CONFERENCE LINE -- NOT your computer speakers and microphone.

Call In Number:  866-299-3188   Conference code:  702-784-8004#


Additional Information:

This is an offering of:
Webinar #1: Radiation Safety and the RTFL

Please refer back to the Course Description page for further details.

Registration Status: Registration Open
Event Begins: June 13, 2012 at 11:00 AM
Event Ends: June 13, 2012 at 1:00 PM
This event will be held at: Please see access link on Course Description page
Webinar #1

For audio access PLEASE USE THE WEBINAR CONFERENCE LINE -- NOT your computer speakers and microphone.

Call In Number:  866-299-3188   Conference code:  702-784-8004#

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