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Event Details

General Information
Event Name: OSC Warrant Officer Training
Hosted By: U.S. EPA
Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation
Event Description:

OSC Warrant Officer Training provides an overview of the contracting and program authorities vested in a warranted OSC. It will explain the various tools, procurement and non-procurement that are available to an OSC during emergency and time-critical removal actions. It also gives a good overview of government contracting principles and vulnerabilities. There will be case study preparation and presentation and a test given on the final day.

By taking the course, participants will achieve the following objectives:

  • Understand the responsibilities and authorities delegated to OSCs when directing emergency response and removal actions. This course reviews the response and contracting authorities delegated to the OSC under the National Oil and Hazard Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP).
  • Learn about the fundamentals of contracting. The course provides basic information on key contracting elements and effective contract management practices
  • Understand the contracting tools and techniques authorized for use under the OSC’s Delegated Procurement Authority (DPA). The course provides OSCs with the policies and procedures for procurement tools under the DPA and other mechanisms that are available to access and use during a response.
  • Learn how to apply the tools and techniques in a removal action scenario. The course includes a response case study to provide participants an opportunity to apply the skills learned during the training.

This course is designed for personnel who are experienced and pre-designated as OSCs capable of being assigned emergency response or other field assignments where they may be required to make independent time-critical or emergency decisions. EPA project officers and contracting officers supporting the removal and emergency response program also may benefit from attending the training. This course is only open to EPA personnel.

Before taking the OSC Warrant Officer Training, the EPA OSC must be a certified COR. Becoming a certified COR is a mandatory requirement for an EPA OSC to request the warrant after taking the OSC Warrant Officer Training. Online courses are available at to become a COR. The online course must be completed at least 7 business days before attending the OSC Warrant Officer Training. A copy of the COR guidelines is available at

*This course is offered free of charge to all registrants who are confirmed to attend.*

Additional Information: Daily class times will be: 8:30AM to 4:30PM, and on the final day the class will end Noon.
Registration Status: Completed
Event Begins: January 13, 2009 at 8:30 AM
Event Ends: January 16, 2009 at 12:00 PM
For questions about this event, please contact: Jodi McCarty (Tetra Tech, EMI)
Phone: 513-333-3672
Fax: 703-391-5876
This event will be held at: U.S. EPA - Region 6 (previous address)
1445 Ross Ave.
12th Fl. EPA Training Rm.
Dallas, TX 75202

class location has changed slightly - information currently listed is correct

Location Map:
These maps are for getting a general idea of the location - they may not be 100% accurate.
Click here to view
Location Contact Information: Paige Delgado
Phone: 214-665-2724
Fax: 214-665-2278
Hotel Information
Hotel name and address: Adolphus Hotel
1321 Commerce St.
Dallas, TX 75202
Phone: 1-800-221-9083
Map of Hotel: Click here to view 
Hotel Website:
Hotel Room Information: Rooms can be reserved until Jan. 1, 2008 under the hotel block name "U.S. EPA OFC". Room rate $129 (single), $149 (double) +15% tax

Hotel check-in is at 3 PM; check-out is at 1 PM.  Room block cut-off date has been extended to Jan. 1.   Make your reservations now!



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