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Below are some of the acronyms commonly used on Trainex. A more exhaustive list is available on the EPA website at

ACMIS – Acquisition Career Management Information System
CEC – CERCLA Education Center
CERCLA – Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
CEU – continuing education unit
CIC – community involvement coordinator
CIU – Community Involvement University
CLU-IN – Clean-Up Information website (
EOC – Emergency Operations Center
ERT – Environmental Response Team
ERTP – Environmental Response Training Program
ERTPVU – Environmental Response Training Program Virtual University (
HRS – Hazard Ranking System
ICS – Incident Command System
IMT – Incident Management Team
ITRC - Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council
NARPM - National Association of Remedial Project Managers
NETI – National Enforcement Training Institute
NIMS – National Incident Management System
NIT - NIMS Integration Team
NWETC – Northwest Environmental Training Center
OLEM – Office of Land and Emergency Management
OSC – on-scene coordinator
RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RD/RA – remedial design/remedial action
RPM – remedial project manager
RTFL – Radiation Task Force Leader
SAM – site assessment manager
START - Superfund Technical Assessment and Response Team
TCT – Training Coordination Team
Trainex – Training Exchange website (
TrainTrax – EPA training tracking tool


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