Encyclopedia X, Subpart X
Subpart X Units
Subpart X Requirements
Information Requirements
Environmental Assessments, Monitoring, and Modeling Under Subpart X
Risk Assessment
Enforceable Permit Conditions/Inspections
Encyclopedia X, Subpart X
Introduction to Subpart X
Description: On December 10, 1987, under 52 FR 46946, EPA
issued regulations that outlined procedures for
issuing permits to miscellaneous units that treat,
store, or dispose of hazardous waste. Those
regulations, which were codified at 40 CFR Part
264, Subpart X, created a new category of hazardous
waste management unit (known as the miscellaneous
unit or Subpart X unit). Such units were
defined as those that do not meet any of the definitions
in Part 264 of other types of hazardous waste
management units. |
Description: Because Subpart X is an exclusionary category, a
variety of treatment and disposal units are considered.
Some of the types of operational units that are
discussed in this document include open burn/open
detonation (OB/OD) units, enclosed combustion
devices, carbon and catalyst regeneration units,
thermal desorption units, shredders, crushers, filter
presses and geologic repositories. |
Purpose of the Document
Description: This document provides to permit writers guidance
for evaluating information submitted by permit
applicants addressing the information requirements
specific to Subpart X units under §270.23. |
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Encyclopedia X, Subpart X |