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Subparts AA, BB, CC
Subpart X
RCRA Online
Code of Federal Regulations
Body of Knowledge and Encyclopedia
This Information Resource Site was produced
under contract to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Region
4 for the RCRA Programs Branch of U.S. EPA Region 4. The purpose of this
resource is to present information to assist permit writers in understanding
and implementing the requirements of RCRA environmental regulations.
This resource is to be used solely as guidance and cannot be relied upon
to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforcable by any party
in litigation with the U.S. EPA. U.S. EPA reserves the right to act at variance
with the policies and procedures herein, and to change them at any time
without public notice.
If you come across a CFR link that is broken within
a pdf file, please go to the "Code of Federal Regulations" link on the front page.
The complete references to Body of Knowledge and Encyclopedia X that is available online is available for download and located within the links below
. RIGHT click your mouse on each link to save to your hard drive.
Body of Knowledge, Subpart AA, BB and CC
Encyclopedia X, Subpart X