Subpart X Units
Types of Thermal Units Included Under Subpart X
Types of Mechanical Units Included Under Subpart X
Other Types of Units Included Under Subpart X
Subpart X Units
This section provides basic descriptions of the more
typical units permitted as Subpart X units. The
section also discusses circumstances when it may be
appropriate to permit proposed miscellaneous units
as conventional hazardous waste management units.
Examples of patented or trademark technologies are
discussed throughout this chapter. However, the
Agency does not endorse the technology available
from any specific company. |
Types of Thermal Units Included Under Subpart X
Open Burning and Open Detonation Units |
Description: Many waste propellants, explosives, and
pyrotechnics (PEP), and munitions items are unsafe
to treat by conventional methods of hazardous waste
management. Open burning and open detonation
(OB/OD) remain the primary methods of treatment
for these wastes. Currently, research is being
conducted to develop alternative methods of
treatment for PEP wastes. New technologies, such
as enclosed detonation chambers, are likely to
become more widely available in the next several
years. Some of these new technologies may qualify
for permitting under Subpart X. |
Open Burning: Physical Process and Description |
Description: Open burning (OB) is used primarily to destroy
propellants, and is generally conducted on
engineered structures such as concrete pads, or
metal pans to avoid contact with the soil surface.
Such structures may range in size from 3 to 5 feet
wide by 5 to 20 feet long, and are 1 to 2 feet deep. |
Open Detonation Unit: Physical and Process Description |
Description: Open detonation (OD) is used primarily to treat
munition items. OD typically is conducted in pits or
trenches below ground to minimize the ejection of
treatment residue, although surface detonations are
performed under certain circumstances. |
Enclosed Treatment Units |
Description: In recent years, DOD has encouraged the use of
controlled thermal treatment units for the destruction
of pyrotechnics, small arms ammunition and fireworks. Examples of enclosed thermal treatment
units include the Donovan Blast Chamber, the Blast
Containment Structure and the Hurd Burn Units. |
Donovan Blast Chamber |
Description: The Donovan Blast Chamber is used to perform
controlled thermal treatment of PEP in a room-size
blast chamber. |
Blast Containment Structure |
Description: The Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering and
Support Center in Huntsville, Alabama, has
developed a blast containment structure which is
designed to capture all significant blast pressures for
a total NEW of up to six pounds of TNT. |
Hurd Burn Units |
Description: The unit consists of a quarter-inch thick steel,
enclosed cylindrical box equipped with a hinged
door on one end. The cylinder or barrel is mounted
on a movable trailer which may be positioned on a
concrete pad when in operation. The fuel source for
the unit is a pair of propane tanks. |
Confined Burn Facility |
Description: The U.S. Navy at Indian Head has designed a
Confined Burn Facility (CBF) that uses a batch-feed
chamber. Upon ignition of the wastes in the
chamber, the hot gases that are generated are
quenched with water and stored in a containment
reservoir for subsequent scrubbing and treatment at
a slow continuous rate before discharge. |
Carbon and Catalyst Regeneration Units |
Description: Carbon and catalyst regeneration units include both
controlled-flame and non-flame devices. Since
1991, EPA has considered the regeneration or
reactivation of spent carbon from a carbon
absorption system, used in the treatment of a listed
hazardous waste or used to capture emissions from
a listed hazardous waste, to be thermal treatment
under the interim status provisions of RCRA. |
Thermal Desorption Units |
Description: As outlined in a June 12, 1998, Policy Memo, EPA regulations do not define “thermal desorber”,
but the term generally applies to a unit which treats
wastes thermally to extract contaminants (e.g.,
volatile organics) from a matrix. |
Vitrification Units |
Description: The development of vitrification technology has been
promoted by the large volume of low-level and high
level radioactive waste requiring treatment at U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE) sites. Much of this
waste includes RCRA hazardous constituents and is
regulated as mixed waste. |
Ex-Situ Vitrification |
Description: The ex-situ vitrification process is a thermal
treatment process that both oxidizes and vitrifies
wastes. It can treat wastes in the form of solids or
as slurries. Typically waste and fuel are mixed in a
pre-combustor before being transferred to a
combustion chamber. |
In-Situ Vitrification |
Description: In-situ vitrification earth-melting technology was
developed by Battelle Memorial Institute during the
1980s for DOE and is now commercially available
as Geosafe Corporation’s GeoMeltTM technology. |
Rotary Metal Parts Treatment Unit |
Description: Rotary metal parts treatment (RMPT) is used in the
decontamination of empty projectile and mortar
shells. The RMPT consists of a cylindrical structure
rotating at a prescribed speed inside a cylindrical
furnace. |
Types of Mechanical Units Included Under Subpart X
Shredder Units |
Description: Shredders typically are used to make waste more
amenable to subsequent treatment in other units,
such as thermal desorbers, regeneration units, or
incinerators, through reduction in size, and blending.
Shredders may be regulated under Subpart X based
on the material managed. |
Filter Press Units |
Description: Filter presses are used to separate solids from fluids
under pressure. The most basic type of filter press
is the plate-and-frame press. |
Drum Crushers |
Description: Drum crusher units that are eligible to be permitted
under Subpart X handle containers of hazardous
wastes. Typically, a can or drum crusher handles
one container at a time. |
Drum Washer |
Description: Commercial drum washing systems are available
from several manufacturers. These units are
regulated as Subpart X units if the units are handling
non-RCRA empty drums. The definition of RCRA empty
container is provided in 40 CFR §261.7. |
Mercury Bulb Crushers |
Description: Fluorescent lamps are widely used in businesses, as
they provide an energy-efficient source of lighting.
The commercial and industrial sectors dominate
usage of fluorescent lamps, accounting for over 90
percent of total usage. |
Other Types of Units Included Under Subpart X
Underground Mines, Caves, and Geologic Repositories |
Description: Placement of hazardous waste in subterranean
features, such as mines, caves, and salt domes, is
regulated under 40 CFR Part 264, Subpart X and
constitutes land disposal. Hazardous waste placed
in these units must be treated before disposal, in
compliance with treatment standards promulgated
under the land disposal restrictions (LDR), 40 CFR
§268, unless the owner or operator demonstrates
that there will be no migration of hazardous
constituents from the unit, in accordance with 40
CFR §268.6. |
Biological and Chemical Treatment Units |
Description: A permit writer may receive a permit application for
a biological or chemical treatment unit that the
applicant is attempting to permit under Subpart X. |
References |
Description: Additional information regarding these units
described above can be found in the following
documents. |