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Enforceable Permit Conditions / Inspections

Subpart X Permit Conditions

Permit Attachments

Writing the Draft Permit




Enforceable Permit Conditions / Inspections
This section provides descriptions and examples on Subpart X permit conditions, corrective actions, and examples for writing the draft permit.
Subpart X Permit Conditions
Subpart X Permit Conditions
Description: Permit writing for a Subpart X unit should be similar to that for any other hazardous waste management unit. The general process and format are the same.
Standard Permit Conditions
Description: The permit writer should carefully check the original Part A application and verify with the owner/ operator the identity of the person/company that is legally responsible for operating the regulated units that the permit is issued for, and the legal owner of the property.
Waste Minimization
Description: Waste minimization is one of the most important components of a Subpart X permit, especially for OB/OD units. Permit conditions should address how the facility will be working on new or existing demilitarization technologies, and working towards developing better methods of OB/OD or replacement technologies.
Land Disposal Restriction (LDR) Requirements
Description: LDR conditions are applicable to Subpart X Units because the Land Disposal Regulations apply treatment technologies to munitions and other wastes.
Toxicity Characteristics (TC)
Description: The permit writer must evaluate whether TC wastes will be managed in the unit. However, caution is urged since some waste types might have multiple listings. OB/OD units may require TC permit conditions to address metals and explosives, and mechanical units may require TC permit conditions to address solvents and metals.
Air Emission Requirements (Subpart AA, BB and CC)
Description: Air emission conditions should only be included if they are applicable to the unit design. Subpart X units need to be considered from a total emissions or mass-balance standpoint when evaluating controls.
Corrective Action
Description: Corrective Action conditions should address any past contamination from the operation of the Subpart X Unit(s). Ground water monitoring of Subpart X areas should be covered under the ground water (40 CFR Part 264, Subpart F) provisions that are applicable to the unit(s).
Compliance with Other Laws
Description: The permit writer must perform an evaluation for compliance with other laws prior to permitting the facility. This includes evaluations for the Endangered Species Act, Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, and Historical Preservation Act.
Unit-Specific Conditions
Description: Specific unit conditions need to be written for the Subpart X unit.
Schedule of Compliance
Description: The compliance schedule should be sorted by regulatory issues as they are addressed in main text of the permit. Enforceable language should include specific due dates and conditions that request information “Within __ Days of …”. Time deadlines are always on the Permittee, not the Agency.
Permit Attachments
Permit Attachments
Description: The permit writer should make sure all relevant documents are attached. Attachments are taken from the approved Part A and Part B permit application.
Writing the Draft Permit
Writing the Draft Permit
Description: A permit is a legally binding document; as a result, the permit conditions must be explicitly clear and understandable for all stakeholders. Enforceable language is critical to both the Agency and the Permittee. Both parties must have a clear understanding of what is required under the permit.
Attachment 7-1
Description: Example Waste Minimization Permit Conditions (From Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane, Indiana)
Attachment 7-2
Description: Example Land Disposal Restriction Conditions (From U.S. EPA Region 5, 1995)
Attachment 7-3
Description: Example Toxicity Characteristic Permit Conditions (From U.S. EPA Region 5 Model, 1995)
Attachment 7-4
Description: Treatment, Storage, & Disposal Facility (TSDF) Organic Air Emissions Requirements
Attachment 7-5
Description: Example Permit Conditions for Compliance with Other Laws
Description: Once the permit is issued, compliance begins. The facility may be inspected by a RCRA enforcement inspector or a RCRA permit writer. Other specialty staff may also inspect the facility for compliance with portions of the permit they reviewed (i.e., ecological issues). The inspector can utilize other inspection checklists from the U.S.EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance (OECA). Subpart X checklists have been developed on a site by site, permit by permit basis.