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Environmental Assessments, Monitoring, & Modeling Under Subpart X

Environmental Assessments (Characterization of Media)

Monitoring of Air and Groundwater

Modeling Air and Groundwater

Air and Groundwater References


Environmental Assessments, Monitoring, and Modeling Under Subpart X
This section discusses approaches to monitoring and modeling potential releases from Subpart X units. Some emphasis is placed on OB/OD units because of the difficulty in monitoring and modeling air emissions from such units. The chapter consists of three major sections: environmental assessments, monitoring, and modeling. The monitoring and modeling sections include subsections on air and groundwater.
Environmental Assessments (Characterization of Media)
Environmental Assessments, Monitoring, and Modeling Under Subpart X
Description: This section discusses approaches to monitoring and modeling potential releases from Subpart X units. Some emphasis is placed on OB/OD units because of the difficulty in monitoring and modeling air emissions from such units.
Environmental Assessments (Characterization of Media)
Description: Environmental assessments are performed to characterize the potential effects on each of the environmental media (air; groundwater and the subsurface environment; and surface water, wetlands, and surface soils) caused by releases from a Subpart X unit.
Monitoring of Air and Groundwater
Monitoring Air and Groundwater
Description: Monitoring focuses on the actual gathering of data relevant to the operation of a unit. The data obtained is used in characterizing the risk to human health and the environment.
Air Monitoring
Description: When considering releases to the air from a Subpart X unit, several factors must be examined in determining the fate and transport of contaminants. Contaminants released to the air behave very differently in different atmospheric conditions.
Emissions Qualifications
Description: Generally, two types of analyses are employed to quantify emissions from a Subpart X unit: emission monitoring and emission modeling. The results of emission quantification analyses are used in dispersion modeling analyses to determine downwind impacts and can be used to determine compliance with emission standards.
Meteorological Monitoring
Description: A permit applicant should collect on-site meteorological data, if possible. However, if this is not possible, representative data may be available from a nearby facility, a university, or a governmental agency.
Compliance Monitoring
Description: Procedures for and frequencies of monitoring, testing, collection of analytical data, inspections, response, and reporting must ensure compliance with 40 CFR §264.601.
Groundwater Monitoring
Description: A hydrogeologic assessment must be submitted as part of the Subpart X permit application to demonstrate compliance with environmental performance standards related to potential effects on groundwater and the subsurface environment (EPA 1986; 1992). Specific performance standards that must be addressed in the hydrogeologic assessment are set forth in 40 CFR §264.601(a).
Soil Monitoring
Description: The permit application must address sampling of surface and subsurface soils in, and around, the Subpart X unit, specifically OB/OD unit(s).
Modeling Air and Groundwater
Modeling Air and Groundwater
Description: When conducting a detailed media assessment, a permit applicant may use either monitoring or modeling, or a combination of the two, to determine concentrations of contaminants that are the result of releases from a Subpart X unit.
Air Dispersion and Emission Modeling
Description: The models that simulate the transport and dispersion of air contaminants from the point of release to potential receptors use known data on the characteristics of a contaminant release and the atmospheric conditions as input to calculate air concentrations and deposition values at almost any location specified by the user.
Groundwater Modeling
Description: This section provides information regarding hydrogeological characterization and model selection to assist permit writers in evaluating modeling results submitted by Subpart X permit applicants.
Air and Groundwater References
Air and Groundwater References
Description: This section contains references to Air and Groundwater.